Home Rib


Sticky ribs

Sticky ribs

It’s time to dig out the slow cooker and make the most of cheaper cuts of meat. Get them chugging away early in the day, so that by dinnertime the house is filled with gorgeous savoury aromas and you’ll have everyone clamouring around.
Sticky Pork Ribs

Sticky pork ribs

Ketjap manis is Indonesian sweet soy sauce. Fried onions are in the Asian food aisle. Note
Mexican beef short ribs

Mexican beef short ribs

Don't forget the finger bowls when you serve these sticky ribs that are dripping with Mexican flavours. The peppery radish salad beautifully balances the sweetness of the ribs.
Sticky chilli pork ribs

Sticky chilli pork ribs

Succulent marinated American-style sticky chilli pork ribs go perfectly with plum sauce and a crisp side salad. Perfect opportunity to have a tea towel and finger bowl on the side.
sticky chilli pork ribs 2

Sticky chilli pork ribs

Succulent, spicy American-style pork ribs are a great choice with plum sauce and fresh side salad. This is definitely an opportunity to have a finger bowl and tea towel on the side.